CANopen free Software Resource Center


What is the CANopen free software resource center?

CAN Bus is widely used in instustry. But CAN Bus only defines ISO/OSI layer 1 & 2. To use CAN Bus you'll need a Layer 7 (Application Layer) protocol. Of course, for easy applications you can define your one protocol, but if your device has to communicate with other devices, or your device is more complex, CANopen could be the right choice for you.

CANopen free software resource center provides you a collection (or just links) of free available CANopen related programs or documents.

Who is responsible for that?

This page has been initiated by Raphael Zulliger (). Responsible for the project management are: Edouard TISSERANT and Raphael Zulliger (). In future this should become a platform where all person can participate: spend program code, spend documents, spend informations, ...

If you think you can spend us something or would like to participate, contact Raphael Zulliger ()

Copyright 2001-2002 CANopen free software resource center
Unless otherwise noted, all material is licensed under the GPL License

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