CANopen Free Software Resource Center
At the moment there are two CANopen programs available: CANFestival (by Edouard TISSERANT)
and a GUI for CANFetsival (by Raphael Zulliger).
The current version of the is 110402 (11 Apr 2002)
To be able to use CANFestival you need at least the following things:
- The only PC CAN Board supported is AdLink PCI-7841 Card. But it's very easy to write a driver for an additional card.
CANFestival GUI
The current version of the is 0.2
To be able to use CANFestival GUI you need at least the following things:
- Qt 2.x installed on your computer
- An AdLink PCI-7841 Board is recommended, but if you do not own such a card, you can still
use this program in simulation mode (excellent helping you getting started with the CANopen protocol)