Here you will find a collection of links that we find
useful, to other sites that contain
information/software for CANopen.
CANFestival Homepage at
CANFestival Homepage
This is the original Homepage of CANFestival (by Edouard TISSERANT).
Visit this page for further
information about CANFestival
CANopenNode at
Homepage. An other opensource (LGPL) CANopen library for nodes (like
"my" slavelib).
ORTCAN - Ocera real-time CAN (and CANopen tools) at
OCERA homepage
. Website with very insteresting tools (not only CAN/CANopen related).
A must for every CAN/CANopen - linuxer!
CAN in automation - CANopen homepage at
CANopen Homepage
Here you can find main informations about the CANopen protocol. If
you're a registered member of the CIA (can in automation), you can also
download the CANopen standard and additional papers.